Friday, November 28, 2014
At least Abrams and crew know how to cut a trailer. I've not been pretty vocal about it here, but I am over STAR WARS as a whole. The brand has saturated pop culture to the point of making what was once of the scariest villains in movies, Darth Vader, a punch line through merchandising. Lucas' decision to further alter the movies in the Blu-ray set further cemented my feelings. As such, when news of THE FORCE AWAKENS comes out, they're met with complete apathy. Still, I knew that the teaser would be a huge deal so I had to watch it and I'm glad I did. Check it out after the break thanks to the Star Wars YouTube channel.
So yeah, this trailer hyped me up quite a bit. judging from people's reactions, everyone is freaking out about the Falcon, X-wings and TIE Fighters.From a design standpoint, I find it lazy that they keep on relying on the same ship designs from A NEW HOPE but that's what fans want.
What I was really excited to see the character played by John Boyega as a stormtrooper in a desert planet that's allegedly not Tatooine. He's a good actor who deserves the exposure that this movie will give him. Oh yeah, and there's another Sith lightsaber that's supposed to be cooler than the Jedi lightsabers. Anyone notice that it's only the Sith that are interested in lightsaber design innovation? I've rewatched the trailer quite a few times already. Apart from Boyega, the trailer just gives a vibe that makes me excited. I'm definitely more hopeful now. Let's see if the writing is up to par. Anyway, I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this since this is such a huge deal. Sound off in the comment sections! Also, if you want to check it out on Quiktime, the Apple Trailers site has it here as well.
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS will come out December 15th 2015, it is directed by J.J. Abrams, it stars John Boyega, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Lupita Nyong'o, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Gwendoline Christie, Max Von Sydow, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford.
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